Dog Training for French Bulldogs - Behaviour Issues and Lifestyle Suitability

French Bulldogs, or "Frenchies" as they're affectionately known, are one of the most popular small dog breeds in the UK. Their compact size, bat-like ears, and affectionate personality make them an ideal companion for many. However, like all breeds, they come with their own set of quirks and behavioural challenges that may require some focused training.

In this post, we'll explore common behavioural issues in French Bulldogs, their suitability for various lifestyles, and how dog training, especially in South East London, can help owners manage these adorable but sometimes stubborn dogs. For those needing professional help, we highly recommend JanB Dog Training to assist with any dog training needs.

Common Behavioural Issues in French Bulldogs


One of the defining traits of French Bulldogs is their stubborn nature. While they are intelligent dogs, this doesn't always translate into obedience. A Frenchie may understand a command perfectly well but choose to ignore it if it doesn't suit them at that moment. This can make training a bit challenging, especially for first-time dog owners.

Consistent and positive reinforcement training is essential. Rewarding good behaviour with treats and praise can work wonders, but patience is key. Frenchies tend to have short attention spans, so it's better to keep training sessions short and engaging.

Separation Anxiety

French Bulldogs are people-oriented dogs and form strong bonds with their owners. While this makes them great companions, it also means they can suffer from separation anxiety when left alone for extended periods. Signs of separation anxiety include barking, whining, destructive behaviour (chewing furniture or household items), and having accidents inside the house even when they are already toilet trained.

Addressing separation anxiety can take time and may require a gradual process of getting your dog used to being alone. Crate training can be helpful, as it provides your dog with a safe space to retreat to. If this issue persists, seeking advice from a professional dog trainer in South East London like JanB Dog Training could be beneficial.


While French Bulldogs are not known to be excessive barkers compared to other breeds, they may still bark when excited, anxious, or to alert their owners to something unusual. However, if the barking becomes excessive, it may be a sign of underlying issues like boredom, anxiety, or the need for more mental stimulation.

Barking problems can be addressed by teaching the "quiet" command and ensuring your Frenchie gets plenty of exercise and stimulation throughout the day. Sometimes, enrolling your dog in a training class can help to curb excessive barking through socialisation and learning boundaries.

Housebreaking Difficulties

Like many small dog breeds, French Bulldogs can sometimes be tricky to housebreak. Their small bladders mean they need to go out more frequently, especially when they are puppies. Patience and consistency are vital when it comes to toilet training.

Setting a routine, taking your Frenchie out at regular intervals, and rewarding them for going outside can help. If housebreaking issues persist, professional guidance from a local dog trainer such as JanB Dog Training in South East London can provide valuable insights.

Lifestyle Suitability for French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs adapt well to various living environments, but there are some important lifestyle factors to consider before bringing one into your home.

Space Needs

Frenchies are small dogs, making them well-suited for apartment living or homes without large gardens. However, they still need regular walks and playtime to keep them fit and mentally stimulated. While they may be prone to short bursts of energy, they don't require excessive exercise like some larger breeds, making them ideal for people with moderate activity levels.

Weather Sensitivity

Due to their flat faces (brachycephalic nature), French Bulldogs are sensitive to extreme temperatures, particularly heat. They can easily overheat in warm weather and may struggle with breathing issues. This makes them better suited for cooler climates and homes with good ventilation. Owners need to be mindful during the summer months to ensure their Frenchie doesn't overexert themselves.


French Bulldogs are generally great with children and other pets, making them a suitable breed for families. They tend to be gentle, patient, and affectionate, though supervision is always recommended when introducing a Frenchie to young children or unfamiliar animals. Their small size also means they are less likely to accidentally knock over smaller children during playtime.

Work-from-Home or Flexible Schedules

Given their susceptibility to separation anxiety, French Bulldogs thrive in homes where someone is around for most of the day. They may not be the best fit for individuals with long work hours or those frequently away from home unless proper care, such as dog walkers or sitters, are arranged. For those with a flexible schedule, they can be fantastic companions, always eager to be by your side.

South East London Dog Training: Why Choose JanB Dog Training?

For French Bulldog owners in South East London, finding the right trainer is crucial to ensuring your dog's success in overcoming behavioural issues. We recommend JanB Dog Training, a local service that understands the unique needs of different breeds, including the Frenchie. Whether it's tackling housebreaking challenges, dealing with separation anxiety, or working on obedience, JanB's positive reinforcement techniques and tailored training plans will help you and your dog thrive.

Training isn't just about correcting bad behaviour; it's about building a strong bond with your dog, based on trust and mutual respect. Professional trainers like JanB can provide the guidance, support, and expertise needed to navigate these challenges, ensuring your French Bulldog grows into a well-behaved, happy member of your family.


French Bulldogs are delightful companions with big personalities in small bodies. While they come with some unique behavioural challenges, with the right training and approach, these issues can be managed effectively. Whether you're facing barking problems, stubbornness, or separation anxiety, local resources such as JanB Dog Training in South East London can make all the difference in turning your Frenchie into the perfect pet.

If you're ready to improve your dog's training needs, contact us at 01322842483 or to schedule a consultation. Let's work together to build a well-behaved, happy, and confident dog!